Installation Water Plants

Water plant in Rahim yar khan

Our Foundation planned to provide clean drinking water to those who were far from the water facility and used to travel a lot to fetch clean drinking water. Due to the unavailability of clean water, most of the people in the target community used to drink brackish water, especially those who had no one in their family being able to fetch water for them. In Village of Sadiqabad, Dist. Rahim Yar Khan, a detailed assessment was carried out with the help of their local peoples. Local peoples helped Minority Coverage Foundation (MCF) to take information for the water tanks and electric motors and going to plan for solar pumps in the future. Moreover, residents also helped the (MCF) identifying suitable locations for the installation of water pumps. After the detailed work regarding data collection, identification of suitable locations, committee formation, etc, formal agreements were signed with a vendor. They formed committees that were fully involved in the installation of the water pump and provided their support in the supervision of the digging and installation process along with the MCF team. The MCF Team trying to install approximately 100 water pumps like the same. The whole process will be complete on March 20, 2021. One water pump benefited 85 households comprised of approximately 800 individuals. Beneficiaries were very happy and pledged to take care of water pumps so that facility could be retained up to maximum time.  

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